Blog - Digital Marketing Agency, Niswey

Team Niswey Syncs on New Year- Niswey

Written by Nilanjana Dey | Jan 8, 2016 4:34:11 PM

Let’s just say

Team Niswey

Kicked off 2016

In an awesome way.

I know that wasn’t really poetic, but what’s the harm in trying? (Psst…you will soon see a lot more verses from Team Niswey).

So anyway, let me just start with what Team Niswey did this New Year. We got together in office for a pizza party (yay!!) and put some real thought into who we are, where are we headed, the milestones we want to achieve this year and how do we get there.

These are big questions for every organisation, and mostly answered by the C-suites behind closed doors. But being a flat organisation, we do things a little differently. So every Knowizard had a chance to look back at the year gone by and share their views on what they thought went right and what was not-so right, at Niswey. We covered a lot of ground that afternoon, and here’s an upshot of all our soul searching.

How We Work

We discovered the “zone”. It’s that space where your mind is immune to all distractions and there is laser sharp focus on work. We are a digital marketing team high on communication.

So there is constant chatter on the WhatsApp group, G-Chat pings, mails, calls; the whole circus. But when we need to get work done, we need to set up our systems to eliminate all interruptions and notifications. That is when solutions emerge and ‘eureka moments’ happen.

We also learnt about harnessing energy for our work and not let it fritter away with negative thoughts. We decided to try putting a positive spin on all our worries. All of us are transforming “Oh lord, I have too much work” into “Let’s see what I can get done today”. And guess what, it’s been really helpful so far.

How We Learn

At Niswey, we decided to collectively share and expand our knowledge. We have planned new sessions on business thinking, visualizing and crafting better content. These sessions will help us learn from experience and bring in new perspectives. Our 2016 Reading List is all set with new books to read. And this year, we won’t just read but also share what we learnt from all those books. We will actively help each other grow, both personally and professionally.

What We Want for Niswey

Every Knowizard got to weigh in on the future of Niswey. We agreed to work with greater “Customer Oneness”. We decided to be a team that creates immense value for their clients.

We agreed to take up work that challenges us, stretches our abilities and unlocks new talents. We already do most of it, but there was a renewed commitment to stick to this path in 2016 and not be tempted by easier, mediocre work.

Then of course there was the pizza and dessert. Over steaming cups of tea, we tossed around ideas on how to make Niswey an even more fun place to work. (Have more parties, of course!) We shared ideas on which books to read this year, the exciting hackathons we could have and our first goals session for 2016.

As our in-house cheerleader summed it up:

In summation, Team Niswey had the perfect start to 2016.