Stop Waiting for Your Pages to Load!

Get LitePics, the HubSpot image compression engine that automatically optimizes your images by up to 60%, and gives you fast page load speeds.


The Features

LitePics is your one-stop-shop for optimizing all the images used across your HubSpot site, automatically. The tool’s powerful image compression engine optimizes images by upto 60%, increasing your page speed, improving your SEO rankings, and ultimately enhancing the user experience.

So your visitors are never left waiting for your images to load, or bouncing out. And once you integrate LitePics, you will also never have to remind your team to compress images before uploading to HubSpot website.

Quick and Easy Installation

LitePics is very easy to use and install on your HubSpot portal. Just choose the desired HubSpot portal, and grant access to integrate LitePics with HubSpot. And voila! LitePics kicks into action with automatic optimization of your HubSpot images.

Quick and Easy Installation - LitePics - Optimize Image Uploads

Optimize Your HubSpot Images

LitePics gets to work as soon as the integration is turned on. It starts by optimizing the images on your HubSpot CMS, right from the oldest uploads. Based on your plan, each month, it will pick up a set number of images and optimize. Once all images have been optimized, each month it will check for new images that have been uploaded and optimize them.

Optimise Your HubSpot Images - Litepics - Optimise Image Uploads

Track Progress via Reports

With LitePics, you can keep track of all your compressed images from within HubSpot. Open the HubSpot contact timeline, and search for the CRM card named ‘LitePics Report’. This will give you an insight into how many images are optimized and how many are left. You can also use this dashboard to easily access all your original images on HubSpot, and restore any image if needed.

Track Progress via Reports - Litepics - Optimise Image Uploads

Backup of Original Images

LitePics also creates an automatic backup of all the original images in your HubSpot account in a single folder. You can access this folder ‘chub_backup’. In case you do not like the quality of the compressed images, you can restore the original image from this folder.

Backup of Original Images - Litepics - Optimise Image Uploads
Easy to Setup

Easy to Setup

Installing the application on your HubSpot portal is easy and can be done without any technical knowledge, within minutes.


Supported File Formats

LitePics currently supports compression of images in PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP and TIF formats, with more formats coming soon.


Custom Pricing

Based on the number of images you typically upload to your site, LitePics has custom pricing offers that best suit your needs.

Plans & Pricing


$ 0

Compresses 20 images per month

  • For a single HubSpot account

  • Compress up to 20 images per month

  • Limit of 20 images compressed per day

  • Get faster compression, consider investing in fast or furious plan


Starts from only $ 19

One Time Payment

  • For a single HubSpot account

  • Get a personalized plan based on the number of images in your HubSpot account

  • For every additional image above 190 images, $0.10 per image

  • Limit of 100 images compressed per day


Starts from $ 190 60

One Time Payment

  • For a single HubSpot account

  • Get a personalized plan based on the number of images currently on your HubSpot portal

  • For every additional image above 200 images, $0.30 per image

  • Limit of 1,000 images compressed per day i.e. 10X faster compression at just about 3X cost

Need More Info? Book A Demo


What will be the impact of optimizing the images on my website? How much load time will be reduced?

There is no easy way to answer this. Page speed depends on a lot of factors, like heavy images, tracking scripts, HubSpot templates, server-side programming etc. With LitePics, the image compression is one of the factors that is taken care of and the speed will improve with respect to that only. 

If your page speed does not improve significantly, then we would suggest you get a free audit done, wherein we can tell you what other factors are hampering the page speed and what we can do to fix it.

Which image formats are compressed by LitePics?

Currently, we support compression of PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, WebP and TIF formats, with more formats coming soon

Which image formats are not compressed by LitePics?

SVG are some of the formats that we do not currently support

I would like to try out the application before committing to a one-time payment plan.

You can opt for the Free Plan instead, which will enable you to compress 20 images per month. That should give you plenty of time to check how the tool works.

How to install LitePics from HubSpot ?

  • Login in to your HubSpot Portal
  • Navigate to the top right side of your HubSpot portal and click on the hut icon (Asset Marketplace)
  • In the drop-down menu you have three options. Click on App Marketplace
  • Type in the app name, LitePics, or using the filter option and follow the sequence : Marketing > SEO
  • Click on the LitePics app
  • On the top right corner Click on Install app
  • Click Authorize
  • Choose the HubSpot account that you wou would like to integrate
  • Once you choose, give the required permission to proceed further by clicking on Connect App

Congratulations on choosing LitePics as your Automatic image compression tool.

Once integrated, you will be redirected to our Pricing Plan page. Over here, we have devised three plans for you.

  • Free Plan
    • Compress up to 20 images per month
    • Limit of 10 images compressed per day
  • Fast Plan
    • Personalized pricing depending on the number of images in your portal
    • Limit of 1o0 images compressed per day
  • Furious Plan
    • Personalized pricing depending on the number of images in your portal
    • Limit of 1o0 images compressed per day


What size/percentage of images does LitePics compress?

Approximately upto 30% compression is achieved. This causes no discernible loss in quality.

Can I select which images I want to or don't want to compress?

No, that is not possible in the current version

How does the tool work?

LitePics optimizes the images on your HubSpot CMS, starting from the oldest uploads. Based on your plan, each month, it will pick up the number of images and optimize. 

Once all images have been optimized, each month it will check for new images that have been uploaded and optimize them. In the current version, you cannot start compressing the newest images first.

How many images are optimized in a day?

You can get upto 100 images compressed in a day under fast plan. Under the furious plan, 1,000 images can be compressed in a day.

What if I want more images to be compressed?

For any custom requirements, please write to us with your requirements on

What happens to my original images and in case I do not like the quality of the compressed images can I roll back?

All your original images are saved in your HubSpot account in a folder. You can access this folder ‘chub_backup’. 

You can also use it to restore the original image if needed.

I just paid to compress all of our images on HubSpot. In HubSpot it is saying: Portal not Activated / When exactly do you start the process of compression?

  • We activate your account within 2 hours of purchase
  • While the optimisation starts within 2 hours, the report is only available after 24 hours.
  • Until then the status remains as “Portal not activated”
  • In case Hubspot doesn't update the status in 2 hours, please log out of HubSpot, and do a hard reload in Chrome. Login to HubSpot again and you should see your status activated.
  • If you still don’t see the status updated, reach out to us at

Where do I find out which and how many images are compressed?

You will find this information on the dashboard - it will show how many are optimized and how many are left. Go to any contact profile, and on the right panel - CRM extensions you will see it. See the screenshot here for reference:

compressed image faq screenshot


I still see images that are 2MB or more in size or large in dimensions in some cases, why is that?

The reason for that is that your image dimensions are huge. Unfortunately, our tool does not optimize for the dimensions (or scale them) as a tool wouldn't know where all are those images being used. For eg, whether on a particular page the image should be 300px or 1200px - our tool can't figure that out. So we are only optimising for file size.

If you wish to further optimize the images, please feel free to write to us on and we will provide that as a service.

Why do you need access to my contacts?

The reason why we need the Contacts’ access is to get to know who on the HubSpot portal authorised the app. This is only to ensure that we have the information and safeguards us, if and when people move on from their jobs and organisations come back to us seeking details about how/why it was installed. With contacts, the lists are automatically maintained.

What if I want to further optimize my website, beyond images?

In case you would like a fully optimized site, we offer that as a service, wherein we would look into all the elements which could be slowing your site down and then fix it. More details here. Let us know if you'd like to explore that.

How to cancel the subscription from Litepics Plan?

  • Login in to your HubSpot Portal
  • From the top menu bar click on Contacts > drop down > choose Contacts again
  • From the available list of contacts, click on any contact
  • It redirects you to the contact timeline
  • Towards the right side of contact timeline, scroll down to LitePics Report
  • Click on Actions > Access Full Report
  • Further in the Pop-up screen, click on Update Plan
  • It redirects you the pricing plan page
  • Below the plan details and custom plan option, there is short phrase with an option Click here
  • Your plan is now deactivated, to further uninstall the app from HubSpot please follow the below steps.

Once you have unsubscribed from our plan, please follow the below step to uninstall LitePics from your HS portal

  • From the HubSpot Home screen, Navigate to the top right side of your HubSpot portal and click on the hut icon (Asset Marketplace)
  • Under the Manage section
  • Click on Connected Apps
  • Find the LitePics App under - All apps section
  • Click on Action dropdown menu
  • Choose Uninstall
  • To authorize uninstall – you may have to type uninstall and click on Uninstall again

Once you uninstall the app, the app will no more automatically compress images from your HUBdb Portal.

  • Compress up to 20 images per month
  • Limit of 10 images compressed per day